
  1. Mental Health Counseling
  2. Mindfulness & Expressive Art programs

We realize that no two people are the same and as such, tailor our therapies to meet the specific needs of our clients.

For those seeking Counseling & Therapy: Clients will be assisted in understanding and addressing mental blockages and personal or familial obstacles.

For those seeking Mindfulness, Meditation & Expressive Art : Clients are expected to gain relief from their mental blockages and stress through use of meditative and artistic practices. These practices are aimed at assisting our clients to live more abundantly, reduce stress, increase mental clarity, sharpen brain skills and provide a sound foundation for optimizing his/her overall health and wellness.

Our goals are to aide you in recognizing underlying problems, building your understanding, realizing strengths and adjusting certain behaviors and thoughts in order to take more control in your life and health care.

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